Category: Visegrad news

Гала Настанот Претприемничките Sвезди ќе го „осветлат“ Скопје

Денеска ќе се одржи Гала настанот кој ќе го одбележи проектот „Visegrad Entrepreneurial Stars“, финансиран од Вишеградскиот Фонд. Настанот ќе се случи во Едукативниот Центар М6 во Скопје. На настанот ќе се презентираат резултати од проектот со вклученост на 6 партнери: Џуниор Ачивмент Македонија, Институтот за одржливост ЕКОС Скопје, Џуниор Ачивмент Полска, Џуниор Ачивмент Словачка, […]

Gala Event – Visegrad Entrepreneurial Stars

Today we are hosting a Gala event at the M6 Educational Center in Skopje to present the progress and results of the Visegrad Entrepreneurial Stars project supported by the Visegrad Fund. The results of the project, which involved 6 partners, were presented at the event: The e-book with 15 best case studies was also presented, […]

Гала настан – Visegrad Entrepreneurial Stars

Денеска сме домаќини на Гала настан во Едукативниот центар М6 во Скопје за да го прикажеме напредокот и резултатите од проектот Visegrad Entrepreneurial Stars, поддржан од Вишеградскиот Фонд. На настанот се презентира резултатите од проектот со вклученост на 6 партнери: На настанот исто така се промовираше и е-книгата со 15 најдобри студии на случај како […]

Visegrad Entrepreneurial Stars – GYRO HOUSE

We proudly present Visegrad Entrepreneurial Stars from the Macedonian City of Skopje, Mr. Kristijan Ugrinovski, founder of GYRO HOUSE – Skopje. MEET YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS MODEL! Kristijan Ugrinovski is young inspiring entrepreneur, founder of fast food restaurant GYRO HOUSE – Skopje. Gyro House Skopje is a story of determination, innovation, and business planning in details. […]

Visegrad Entrepreneurial Stars – April22

We proudly present Visegrad Entrepreneurial Stars from the Macedonian City of Skopje, Ms. Sanja Lazarevska, founder of April22! MEET YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS MODEL! Sanja Lazarevska is young inspiring woman who explored the intersection of tradition, innovation and sustainability, showcasing the potential for a positive impact on the fashion industry and the community. She shares her […]

Teacher Dissemination Training – 12 March 2024

Another milestone achieved in our Entrepreneurial Stars project funded by the Visegrad+ Fund!Proud to have successfully completed our Teacher Dissemination Training on 12 of March 2024 in Skopje, empowering educators from N.Macedonia to impact their students that business success is possible in their country. Together, we’re igniting a passion for entrepreneurship in the next generation […]

Visegrad Entrepreneurial Stars – SupclubOhrid

We proudly present Visegrad Entrepreneurial Stars from the Macedonian City of Ohrid, Ms. Ivona Veljanoska and Mr. Vlade Veljanoski, founders of SupclubOhrid! They share their secrets of success and try to inspire other young people to follow their steps and open up businesses in their own countries! We are preparing Business Case Studies, so youngsters […]

Visegrad Entrepreneurial Stars – ŠÉFKUCHAŘ

Představujeme vám naši první Visegrad Entrepreneurial Star z České republiky, Jana Knedlu, šéfkuchaře restaurace Papilio. Naše Stars sdílejí svá tajemství úspěchu a snaží se inspirovat ostatní mladé lidi, aby je následovali! Připravujeme případové studie, aby se mladí lidé mohli poučit z podnikatelských zkušeností ostatních. Projekt je spolufinancován vládami České republiky, Maďarska, Polska a Slovenska prostřednictvím […]

Visegrad Entrepreneurial Stars – FRUSACK

Představujeme vám další Entrepreneurial Star z České republiky, Hanu Fořtovou, spoluzakladatelku společnosti FRUSACK. Naše Stars sdílí svá tajemství úspěchu i neúspěchu a snaží se inspirovat ostatní mladé lidi, aby je následovali! Projekt je spolufinancován vládami České republiky, Maďarska, Polska a Slovenska prostřednictvím visegrádských grantů z International Visegrad Fund. Posláním fondu je prosazovat myšlenky udržitelné regionální […]

Visegrad Entrepreneurial Stars – SPOLUZAKLADATEL

Představujeme vám další Entrepreneurial Star z České republiky, Václava Gregora, spoluzakladatele společnosti Soulmates Ventures. Naše Stars sdílí svá tajemství úspěchu a snaží se inspirovat ostatní mladé lidi, aby je následovali! Projekt je spolufinancován vládami České republiky, Maďarska, Polska a Slovenska prostřednictvím visegrádských grantů z International Visegrad Fund. Posláním fondu je prosazovat myšlenky udržitelné regionální spolupráce […]

Teacher Dissemination Training – JA Czech

Cílem projektu Enterpreneurial Stars je sdílet příběhy českých podnikatelů, jejich úspěchy i pády a inspirovat ostatní mladé lidi, aby je následovali! Projekt je spolufinancován vládami České republiky, Maďarska, Polska a Slovenska prostřednictvím visegrádských grantů z International Visegrad Fund. Posláním fondu je prosazovat myšlenky udržitelné regionální spolupráce ve střední Evropě. Připravujeme případové studie, aby se mladí […]

Visegrad Entrepreneurial Stars – Munch

Visegrádi Vállalkozói Csillagok! A Visegrad Entrepreneurial Stars program fő célja az, hogy kiemelje a visegrádi országokban (Csehország, Lengyelország, Magyarország, Szlovákia) és Észak-Macedóniában működő sikeres vállalkozók történeteit, és ezáltal inspiráló környezetet teremtsen a vállalkozói szellem fejlesztéséhez a V4-országok és Észak-Macedónia fiataljai körében. A program során három vállalkozás kerül bemutatásra. A Visegrádi Vállalkozói Csillagok büszkén mutatja be […]

Celebrating Visegrad Entrepreneurial Stars project – Workshop for Business Case Studies Completed!

We’re thrilled to announce the Business Case Study Workshop, where fifteen high school and university lecturers will gain valuable insights on fostering entrepreneurial education and empowering future entrepreneurs. Our mission is to bridge the educational gap by developing case studies featuring inspiring role models from Visegrad countries and North Macedonia. Hosted by Junior Achievement Czech […]

Case Study Writing Workshop – 19-22 June 2023

From 19 to 22 of June, JA Macedonia as lead applicant is part of Case Study Writing Workshop, held in Prague in frame of Visegrad Entrepreneurial Stars! Discussions and critical thinking started, group works create space for sharing and networking with teachers and JA staff. The project is financed by International Visegrad Fund and implemented […]